Cross Country Drives

Clarksville, Arkansas

It was a another very straight and flat drive today, right across the middle of Oklahoma. Lots of farmland and cattle grazing as you might imagine. Passing through Oklahoma City was the only part that added some variety. We didn’t stop there since we had already toured the city a couple years ago.

Clarksville is a small town that looks to be somewhat depressed as opposed to being vibrant and on the up swing. We drove down main street where there were one or two stores open, but most were boarded up or closed. It was not a great place to walk around. The usual set of fast-food chains and other services occupied the outskirts of town, nearer to the highway.

We didn’t want fast food, so our dinner choices were rather limited. We did manage to find the South Park Restaurant (featured picture) which turned out to be not far from our hotel. It was good home style cooking and very satisfying.

Tomorrow we head to an even smaller town in western Tennessee.

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