Kitchen Window


As a child, my favorite window in our home in New Jersey was the double-sized one directly over the kitchen sink. My Nanny and Grandpop lived in the house right next door. It had an identical mirror-image floor plan, so in addition to getting a good view of our side yard and part of the […]

Day 98 (5/13) – Lake Worth


It drizzled thru the night, but none of the predicted high winds materialized. However, rain and more rain was promised. Sitting in the cockpit with coffee, the uniformly gray sky appeared to lighten, giving us hope, but then a sudden sizzling sound was heard forward, growing in intensity and proximity with every second. Paula jumped […]

Day 97 (5/12) – Lake Worth


It was a good night’s sleep in a calm anchorage. We woke to lowering skies, increasing but refreshing winds, but an ominous radar picture and forecast. While we had coffee, Paula baked a double batch of brownies as we were out of treats and these might have to last us for a while. Since high […]

Day 93 (5/8) – West Bay


This morning the weather forecasts had altered such that it looked to be best if we began our trip home today, as Thursday now looks slightly better than Friday for crossing the Gulf Stream. Also, this gives us one day of “cushion” if we need to stop for some reason. Accordingly, we said farewell to […]

Day 91 (5/6) – Palm Cay


Squalls continued to lash Nassau periodically last night. The wind shifted to the SE, bringing lots of swell and rain into the marina, making for mild sway all night with lots of odd noises to investigate. In the morning, there was time for Paula to wander the marina a bit before Tommy came above deck […]

Day 89 (5/4) – Palm Cay


We used this poor weather day to prepare for our hoped-for departure in a few days. One more trip to Solomon’s Yamacraw grocery, where we now know all the cashiers and security guards. One twist with this particular trip however was that this time Paula drove the marina courtesy car and Tommy was the passenger. […]

Day 86 (5/1) – Palm Cay


This week of Glenny’s visit has absolutely sailed by. It was hard to realize that today was departure day and our visit was over. Paula tried to ease the sting by making Glennis “Adam and Eve on a Raft” eggs for breakfast and packing her a lunch and snacks to take on the plane. Our […]

Day 85 (4/30) – Palm Cay


Glennis, infected by boat life, was up shortly after dawn and joined Paula and Tom in the cockpit for coffee. A boat breakfast was requested and prepared, and we got ready to go to the beach and pool area as the weather was awesome: sunny, mildly breezy and warm. Paula and Glennis spied a plastic […]

Day 82 (4/27) – Palm Cay


Yet another thunderstorm, this time at 3:30 a.m., failed to disturb our slumbering guest. Once again, it was beautiful by the time we sat down for a breakfast of fruit, Thermos yogurt, Bimini Bread, and leftover cinnamon buns, washed down with coffee. The forecast was full of rain, but since it looked good right around […]

Day 79 (4/24) – Palm Cay


Last night, Paula woke up when the wind picked up and checked the lines. She noticed we had been sent a text written around 10pm (we old people were already asleep by then) from the couple we met at Cambridge Cay who were volunteering their time there to support the Land and Sea Park, Chuck […]