Bahamas Cruise

Day 7 – Vero Beach

So nice to have guests aboard! All four of us had coffee in the cockpit while watching the dolphin show. Today there were two mother/ baby pairs,  and we had a great time watching them fish and play.  The juveniles looked like kids wrestling good naturedly in a sandbox. They dove at and over each other,  splashing and blowing repeatedly. Occasionally,  they’d gulp down a fish tossed by the moms. This went on all day long.

Juvenile dolphins play as a hopeful pelican watches.

After coffee we had a breakfast of scrambled eggs, bacon, sourdough toast and a berry salad supplied by Karen. Reluctantly we said goodbye to Karen and John as they dropped the top on their convertible and started their scenic route home. We then started thinking about prep for our planned departure tomorrow morning. Tommy washed the boat, filled the water tank and flushed the watermaker.  Even though we’ve not put the watermaker into service yet, this is recommended at least monthly to clean it. Paula did laundry in the bustling marina laundry and tidied the cabin.  There was still time to chat with passersby. Paula met a businesswoman and her pilot husband on vacation who stopped by the marina to investigate charters. They were thinking about sailing and were interested in hearing about some of our boating experiences. Tommy had a satisfying talk with a boater and former Island Packet owner about the pitfalls and merits of different refrigerator/freezer set-ups.

There was then time to enjoy some lemonade in the now breezy cockpit and watch the dolphins while we charged devices and backed up our computers.

Other wildlife in evidence included sizeable anoles, kingfishers, pelicans, cormorants, dabbling ducks, giant moths, leaping fish, and all sizes of humans on the water in various conveyances. Popular choices included paddleboards, kayaks, sculls, pontoon boats, inflatable  dinghies, as well as larger sail and motorcraft. The harbor was hopping!

Only one out of four actually sees the dolphin.

We ate some of our pre-cooked chicken in  mushroom sauce and leftover paella from dinner out last night. We then took in the “good” cockpit cushions and put out the waterproof ones. Tommy did chart work for Thursday’s route.  Paula made ice and tomorrow’s lunches, set up the coffee pot to be ready for the morning and cleared out a few leftovers past their prime from the fridge. We want relegate to the marina dumpsters any trash that might get smelly as we will likely spend the next several days at anchor.

We each also plan to have a nice shower tonight for much the same reason. We hope to get a daylight start tomorrow, conditions permitting.

One Response

  1. Thank you for making our weekend so special! Your hospitality was wonderful – and the dolphin show was priceless. We hope to see you on the rebound in June. Safe sailing! -John & Karen

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