Lake Tahoe

2022 – Week 4

(As always, click on any of the pictures for a larger version)

This week we concentrated on physical activity, for fun and to also try (vainly) to keep ahead of all the great food and snacks the kids have provided. Fortunately, it’s so beautiful here that it distracts from any fatigue or effort when hiking or exercising. We’ve each been trying to get back to a regular running schedule. Tommy is just about there, but Paula is still struggling with hills in the neighborhood after the flatness of sea level Florida.

We went on two hikes. The first, the Lam Watah Trail was a historic path through land that was used by the ancient Washoe tribe to visit fishing and camping grounds. It was fairly flat and wide, so you could concentrate less on your footwork and more on the scenery: lots of huge boulders interspersed with Quaking Aspen and Jeffrey Pines. We saw tons of chipmunks of all sizes, and other hikers many with dogs. It led to Nevada beach and the crystal-clear waters of Lake Tahoe. A small campground with water access fronted the beach.

Our first hike of the week was on the Lam Watah nature trail. In amongst the beautiful pines were several interesting rock formations.
This was a flat trail at lake level (no climbing) and a very pleasant walk.
Halfway through, the trail came to “Nevada Beach” on the eastern side of the lake.
This is a panoramic shot of what turned out to be a very nice beach primarily accessible by hikers and a well laid out campground just back from the shore.
This is what the trail looked like (to the left), with the mountains always in view.

The second, the Barn trail, was rocky and relatively steep outgoing, but easier on the downhill coming back in. Here there were changing patterns of low bushes and greenery throughout, many of which carried distinctive sents. If we go again, Paula will take more plant pictures for idenfication. She did take a picture of some purple flowers that turned out to be from the alfalfa family!

Our 2nd hike of the week was on the “Barn Trail” which made a loop crisscrossing the California/Nevada border. This trail involved a fair amount of climbing.
As we got higher, the views got more spectacular. In this pic you can see some of the Nevada Casinos in the background and the expanse of the lake.

At times the trail wound around and crossed under the cable cars heading to the top with sightseers. Paula was surprised at how clear their conversations were at 40 feet over our heads when we passed under, but a few yards past we couldn’t hear them at all. Paula thought about this a lot after some campers we passed said they saw a bear with her two cubs. Mama bears are VERY defensive when their cubs are even accidentally approached and now she worried that we might not hear or see them until we were too close for comfort. As it turned out, we never saw them at all. Paula was not disappointed!

Twice during this hike, we crossed under the gondola that carries people up to the top of the Heavenly ski resort. The trail led about halfway up this mountain.
Part way up we met some hikers coming from the other direction who told us they had just seen a bear and her two cubs. We (especially Paula) proceeded cautiously but never saw the bear.
The terrain was technical at some points but mostly moderate and not too difficult except for the initial assent.
Once we got to the highest part of the trail, the views were magnificent.
Here is a better view of the casinos down near the Nevada state line.
This is what the trail looked like for most of the way. We stopped a lot to take in the gorgeous scenery.
We encountered several of these “postcard” views.
Here is a panorama of the trail. Three were a number of switchbacks that made the climb up a bit easier.

We tried to stick to healthy meals this week and had different dinners of scallops, shrimp scampi, and swordfish, usually with roasted vegetables as sides. Of course, we couldn’t resist Kyle’s left-over smoked tri-tip with mop sauce. We had that twice.

We broke out the flat top grill again this week. This time it was veggies and shrimp scampi.

We spent yesterday trying to scrub and vacuum the cabin to a spit-shine, and this weekend we will have Glennis and Kyle and Dacia, Miller, and Makai for company. We can’t wait.

We actually had a little rain for the first time in a month this week. This is a view of the rain cloud from our back yard. It didn’t last very long.

3 Responses

    1. On that particular day, all we had to rely on were Tom’s 20-year-old Taekwondo skills. He swears they would’ve worked since the bear obviously had no martial arts training. Next time we will be going out equipped with powerful bear spray.

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