Living Aboard

Nights of Lights

Shortly after we arrived here in St. Augustine, we saw preparations taking place to dress up the downtown area with annual Christmas cheer. We’d heard that St. Augustine did a particularly nice job at this, but were totally unprepared for what we were about to see. Lights and decorations adorn the city from November 19th through January 31st in a display called “Nights of Lights”. Paula and I decided to walk into town on the opening night of this display to check it out. We didn’t know it at the time, but no lesser an authority than National Geographic has named St. Augustine’s “Night of Lights” one of the top 10 holiday lighting displays in the World!

The first thing we noticed as we approached the center of town was the large number of people streaming in, including a significant international presence. Everyone was nice and polite, despite the crowd, and the displays were absolutely magnificent. St. Augustine is already a very nicely lit city at night to begin with, and all the holiday lighting added on top of that is really something. The below are pictures try to convey some of the magnitude of this display, but they cannot capture the true 3-D effect of the lights when you are standing there.

In the center of town, it felt like you were under a canopy of lights the whole time. In this area there were live bands playing Christmas music, decorated Christmas trees, street vendors selling gifts/trinkets – all of it just like out of a childhood storybook.
This was not just a concentrated display in a small area. It spilled over into many of the side streets and the waterfront. While the city put up most of the lights you see in the trees, the local businesses and private homes contributed as well.
All the city buildings and museums were beautifully outlined in lights. It seemed like you were walking around in the middle of the day there was so much light.
No Christmas festival would be complete without horse and carriage rides. This was a very popular attraction throughout the town and added even more to the festive atmosphere.
There are literally “millions” of lights that make up this entire display. Don’t know what the electric bill is, but I’m sure it’s big. The restaurants, pubs and shops stay open a bit longer and were all doing a very brisk business. It also helps that the evening temperatures here are just right (mid 60’s).
We were very glad we walked into town. Judging by the amount of people present, there is adequate parking somewhere. It was clear from the amount of traffic, however, that the best way to experience this is to plan ahead and stay in one of the downtown hotels or numerous Bed and Breakfast homes.

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